
Multivitamins help prevent memory loss, according to a major study

Hiroshi Watanabe/Getty Multivitamins have dropped a lot of scrutiny in recent years, as numerous studies have failed to confirm that they protect against cancer, heart disease, diabetes, or other common ailments. In fact, the medical community is divided on whether or not to take them. Some doctors state that healthy adults who eat a relatively […]

Multivitamins help prevent memory loss, according to a major study Leer más »

A drug to prevent suicide associated with bipolar depression – ISRAEL21c

Every second of every day, someone in the world attempts suicide. NRx Pharmaceuticals is developing a drug for people whose suicidal thoughts stem from bipolar depression, the low mood phase associated with the severe mood swings of bipolar disorder. If clinical trials proceed as planned, the company hopes to bring the drug to market in

A drug to prevent suicide associated with bipolar depression – ISRAEL21c Leer más »

Four weeks to a healthier brain: Resistance training may prevent or delay Alzheimer’s disease

One study found that regular resistance exercise can prevent or delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease symptoms. In an experiment with transgenic mice, resistance training was found to reduce the formation of beta-amyloid plaques and normalize levels of corticosterone, the stress hormone linked to Alzheimer’s. Researchers believe that the anti-inflammatory effects of resistance training could

Four weeks to a healthier brain: Resistance training may prevent or delay Alzheimer’s disease Leer más »

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