
The Long Shadow of a Father’s Betrayal: Woman chronicles the struggles of growing up in an abusive home and overcoming depression

For citizen Posted on: 06 July 2023 12:20 (EAT) Mental health awareness. /ISTOCKPHOTO They say a daughter first learns to love from her parents, both father and mother; but what happens when fatherly love is toxic? Sharon Zawadi, 22, knows all too well the impact a father’s actions can have on a daughter’s mental health. […]

The Long Shadow of a Father’s Betrayal: Woman chronicles the struggles of growing up in an abusive home and overcoming depression Leer más »

Woman undergoing surgery for depression in Mumbai: what is deep brain stimulation?

Who can suffer it? Can it cure depression? Published: July 06, 2023, 7:00 am IST Image used for representation. |) Image used for representation. » src=»https://images.thequint.com/thequint%2F2023-07%2Fc9a5c43e-5d7e-45bb-8499-4b99128364e6%2FGarima_hero_images.png?rect=0%2C0%2C1600%2C900″ srcset=»https:/ /images.thequint.com/thequint%2F2023-07%2Fc9a5c43e-5d7e-45bb-8499-4b99128364e6%2FGarima_hero_images.png?rect=0%2C0%2C1600%2C900&w=480 480w, https://images.thequint.com/ thequint%2F2023-07%2Fc9a5c43e-5d7e-45bb-8499-4b99128364e6%2FGarima_hero_images.png?rect=0%2C0%2C1600%2C900&w=960 960w, https://images.thequint.com/thequint%2F2023- 07%2Fc9a5c43e -5d7e-45bb-8499-4b99128364e6%2FGarima_hero_images.png?rect=0%2C0%2C1600%2C900&w=1200 1200w, https://images.thequint.com/thequint%2F2023-07%2Fc9a5c43e-5d7e-45bb -8499- 4b99128364e6%2FGarima_hero_images.png?rect=0%2C0%2C1600%2C900&w=2048 2048w»/> Get notified about the latest news An Australian woman became the first person to undergo

Woman undergoing surgery for depression in Mumbai: what is deep brain stimulation? Leer más »

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